Uncover the secrets of A Fate For Birds and Bones - a mesmerizing fantasy novel

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Phaedra was a rat in the lowest slum gang in Ragenrot cursed to a life of misery. That is, until the empress, marked by the Dove Spirit, found herself in trouble and in need of a commoners insider help now that the immortal war was coming to an end. Being taken to the palace, their love bloomed into something Phaedra would have never imagined.

At least for someone unburned by the Spirits.

However, her love was ripped out from under her when the empress was kidnapped. She must find her and bring her back before Sahar and her soul is nothing but ruins. With love, magic, and betrayals Phae must decide where her loyalties lay. She must decide who to save...her love? Her home? Herself?

What shape does her true love take?

Phaedra Naocona

Phaedra was a rat in the slums of the Frella Province. Under the watchful eye of the gang leader Maelo, she finds her escape in the sky. Dancing on wires and the building tops. However, needed by the Dove Empress for her knowledge of the trading district she is brought to the palace.

She is taught how to be a wall, to be a rock when she was born for the sky. Given a sword and armor to help the Empire, but it never felt right in her hands. Perhaps one day she will be free of all mortal things.

Khwezi Ninsi’anna

Khwezi is the current Empress of Sahar, a land ruled by the Dove Spirit. She was taught harsh manipulation and to put a stone wall between you and your emotions. However, her parents never taught her how to be sure of herself. Thanks to the Dove burn, constant screaming and battles throw her mind off the rails.

Despite all of this all she has ever wanted was to be left alone. To be free of all shackles and the torment of judgement.

Taras Zakharov

Zakharov is an outcast from his homeland in the hills of Vardi. With nothing for him there he follows his love, Kaluwa, to her home of Sahar. Taking a job as part of the Royal Guard he meets Phaedra quickly becoming a trusted friend.

Though he is torn internally with the use of his Spirited burn the Bison. Where everyone is quick to use theirs in scraps, he is reserved as the use of his is the reason for his banishment.

Rhesh Kitchi

Rhesh is from the bottom of the pits much like Phaedra, but he didn’t have a savior. He had to become his own. He clawed his way up the chain, jumping at every opportunity to show his betters what he can do.

However, after meeting Phaedra he wished not for the first time that his life had gone differently. She was breathtaking. Worried the reason he was alive was quickly going to become the reason for his loneliness, secrets are piled. He wonders if it will be his love or for the typhoon to kill him first.