Where all Spirits come together
The land below death

~Drawing from the journal of Ubron Ingil
Rings of the Wraitem
Nihil – Darkness and mazes
Nebula – A poisonous fog
Ardore – Scorching sands
Lutum – Thick tar like mud
Quassus – Electrically charged ocean
Saltus – Large deep dark forest (From here to the heart of Wraitem were once one circle (corresponding with the five large land masses), but the humans persisted so their home became smaller to give up land for the Spirits safety)
Venator – A creature hunts in this ring, no one knows what it looks like, but the growls can be heard everywhere. If found by it, you will be submitted into an eternity of torture as one cannot die in Wraitem
Vita – The paradise the Spirits reside in. Surprisingly not many human spirits are here, perhaps there is another, unexplored ring they are sent to

Most Abundant Burns in Atamere
The dove gave persuasion, pulling at people’s hearts. This was a wonderful gift for Sahar, as many of their prey had wings and the ability to flee by sky. The dove gave the people of Sahar a second, more widely doubted gift. Some recipients of the dove’s gift have reported seeing and hearing the dead. We have no idea as to why this gift came from the dove, unless doves too see the dead.
Obeying a persuasion relies mostly on two things. One is the victims want, if they have no want to do the thing there is no "in" they can not be exploited. The other is when they want to do the thing but their will, their morals wont allow them to. This then becomes a battle of psyche and who has the stronger mind.
Water Serpent
Water serpents gave electricity to their people, as the lands of Novji were barren and hardly had any prey. They had only the sea creatures in the skyriver. The Novji people were also given vision manipulation, as many skyriver prey sink when it is dark. However this ability takes more energy the bigger the prey.
Bisons gave heat, so their people would never be cold. They also gave emotional manipulation. This was a particularly great gift for the inhabitants of Vardi, for it allowed them to hunt their mountain prey without scaring it away.
Obeying a call to the emotion relies on one thing and that is the victims heart. What does this creature want? For most it is to be happy and comforted which is why that is an easy emotion to manipulate. However, driving someone/thing to anger or sadness is much harder and also becomes a battle of psyche.
The inhabitants of Uaia were given the ability to command fire and the dead. What was once assumed to be a great gift to bring people back to help the population’s dwindling numbers turned sour. For the Uaia could not reverse time as the phoenix could. Soon, they started using the reanimated dead as bait for predators. This worked out too well for Uaia, as most of their animals were, in fact, predators. They brought themselves to the brink of famine. They used their power to burn everything, a fate deemed inevitable. After all, the phoenix is all consuming.
Manipulating the dead comes to those who are strong willed. Most lean towards the effortless use of fire as puppeteering the dead uses a lot of energy and focus. The very skilled can even manipulate up to ten corpses at a time! As all Burns the more it is used the faster the soul decomposes, however the more the ability of raising the dead is used the faster the host deteriorates. Even compared to the most heavily used Marked Spirits.
The scorpions gave venom to their people, the Darrh. With the scorpion’s venom, they could kill their prey more efficiently and from a further range. They were also given slight manipulation of liquid to pull and drink their sweat with no remnants of salt. This was great for the Darrh, as they are a desert people. With the scorpion’s gift, they were able to grow and thrive in their empire.