The areas between the land masses are trees as there are no bodies of water on the surface of Atamere

The whole of Atamere is dry land with sparce if any clean water water sources. So how do they get their water?

Atamere has water caves where all fresh water comes from. They access these caves with wells. Some even have access to these caves! These caves produce their own kind of ecosystem. With glowing fish and slugs, but most of the animals down there are blind anyways! The Rasaef is also fed through these caves as there is hardly rain on the surface. Though these caves are too dense with roots so humans are unable to access them.

The animals on the surface world get their water through the plants. They have not only adapted but many of the plants available to them are mostly water!

How is everyone not dead?!

The 5 Lands

Click below for a look at the first chapter

Sahar is a land on the edge of a sand desert and the Rasaef (The forest that covers the world) They have always been ruled by a Dove burn. Dove statues and carvings litter the Frella Province (where the palace is located) Most houses here are made with sand stone or mud. However, the outer provinces are made with stone, wood, or mud as they are closer to the Rasaef.

Empire colors — Deep purple and light orange/yellow



Novji is the only land on Atamere with more than one location of flowing water. Where all the other empires have wells that lead down the the water caves, Novji can get their water from the flowing above ground sources. It is home to the only sky river! This wonder is a floating body of water that is a mile deep in the shallowest of places.

The people here have a special attraction to crystals as their land is the most abundant in them. Most houses are either made of crystals or have heavy crystal decorations. The palace however is made of stone and wood. These people are one that are attempting to part ways with the Spirits, replacing them with human Gods.

Kingdom colors — Red and Wite


The land of Vardi is very mountainous. They live in wood build houses in the flattest lands they can find. They are very close with nature and are the closest and most respectful to the Spirits. Many of their rituals include meditation to talk with the Spirits and the Spirits in turn love talking with them! This land is the one with the most burns and where the Spirits are the most active.

Kingdom colors — Forest green and brown


Uaia was the most fertile land in all of Atamere. With heavy trade they quickly became the number one export. The Phoenix ran rampant here, burning multiple people in hopes for more birth and growth. Each person deemed themself the most powerful overthrowing one Emperor/Empress for the next until their whole land was ash and ruin. They were shunned from the rest of the world for their blood shed. It is now a jungle with small tribes still thriving off its soil.

Empire colors — Red and orange


Darrh is a desert closest to the Yethe Province, but still the furthest livable landmass from the rest of Atamere. People here are mostly nomadic as their land cannot grow abundant crops or food. They travel to the Rasaef for their needs. They burrow into the dry rocky mountains for shelter throughout the dry heat of the day, mostly doing their bidding under the cover of the stars.

Kingdom colors — Tan and blue